Basic Policy on Information Security

In order to fulfill our social mission as a company by protecting the information assets of our customers and our information assets handled in the course of business from various threats, we have established this basic policy as our information security policy and will implement the following measures.

  1. The Company shall take all possible measures to ensure the security of information assets of customers and other parties handled in the course of business, and shall always give top priority to the prevention of risks such as loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage.
  2. The Company shall also implement appropriate security measures for our information assets in accordance with their level of importance, while making the most effective use of them.
  3. The Company shall appoint a person responsible for and in charge of information security management to implement, operate, and promote information security measures.
  4. The Company shall continuously educate and enlighten its officers and employees (including part-timers) on information security, and endeavor to ensure that they are fully aware of the Information Security Policy.
    All officers and employees who handle information assets shall comply with the information security policy and fulfill their duties and responsibilities stipulated therein.
  5. The Company shall maintain and improve information security by continuously assessing the risks of information assets from various perspectives, taking into account technological advances and changes in the business environment, and by reflecting such assessments in the Information Security Policy and various measures based on it.
  6. The Company shall endeavor to ensure information security by conducting periodic audits of the status of various information security-related operations and taking appropriate corrective measures as necessary.
  7. The Company shall protect the order of the Internet society and contribute to its sound development.
  8. The Company shall comply with laws, regulations, and other rules related to information security.